Register for the Future Leaders Program

Resistrations for the 2019 Future Leaders Program have now closed.
Please check back again next year for the 2020 Program

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Become an SDA Future Leader

The SDA has a proud history of shaking up the status quo and changing things for the better. Equal pay for women, 100% pay for 20 year olds, and some of the highest minimum wages in the world for workers in our industries. SDA helped get it done.

But we can't take on the future without talented and motivated young game-changers like you.

Sharpen your skills, stretch your experience and help us tackle the next challenges - like protecting penalty rates, winning better pay and conditions for casual workers, and getting big companies to pay their fair share of tax.

Step up with our Future Leaders Program and you'll gain:

  • Industrial and workplace training
  • Political training, including meeting politicians
  • Visits to the Eureka Centre and Canberra
  • Leadership skills training
  • Recruitment and organising skills training
  • Opportunity to network with influential people
  • Chance to meet like minded young change-makers

The program is open to all SDA members 16 to 25 years old who'd like to change the world. Ready?

If you want to change the world, you have to change the rules.